Hyenas in the mountains of food remaining from the threshold. Go and fox grow there.Mountain climbing fox. Skip obstacles waiting for you with sections on different levels. Speed is important to you. The fox was very hungry bellies. Go get your prey and feed the stomach. Cow, Horse, Wolf, Bear, Buffalo, Rabbit, Rooster brought with these tasks.
Now hungry stomach as well as foxes.
- Real fox model
- Improved Animations
- Sound Effects
- Star partition system
- Different camera angles
- Fire effects
- Suitable for tablets and phones</div> <div jsname="WJz9Hc" style="display:none">Hyena di pegunungan sisa makanan dari threshold. Pergi dan rubah tumbuh there.Mountain mendaki fox. Loncat hambatan menunggu Anda dengan bagian pada tingkat yang berbeda. Kecepatan yang penting bagi Anda. Rubah adalah perut sangat lapar. Pergi mendapatkan mangsa Anda dan memberi makan perut. Sapi, kuda, serigala, beruang, Buffalo, Kelinci, Ayam membawa tugas-tugas ini.
Sekarang perut lapar serta rubah.
- Model Nyata fox
- Peningkatan Animasi
- Efek Suara
- Sistem partisi bintang
- Sudut kamera yang berbeda
- Efek Api
- Cocok untuk tablet dan telepon</div> <div class="show-more-end">